Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) is a new therapeutic approach for processing trauma and attachment shock. DBR works with the structures of the brain involved in storing, processing and consolidating traumatic memory and deep attachment wounds. Namely, the brain stem and mid-brain regions. Since DBR opens up memory networks in the brain that precede thoughts, personal narrative, and emotions, DBR is often experienced as a gentle safe approach to working with painful traumatic memories. For many people, it’s helpful, effective – even life changing.
DBR targets traumatic and attachment shock – which often precedes the animal survival defences of fight, flight and freeze typically targeted in contemporary trauma treatment.
DBR offers you the steering wheel so that you are in the driver's seat, modulating pace, intensity and emotional overwhelm. In this way DBR feels like a safe, contained way of being with what has previously been frightening, overwhelming unbearable – even unknown.
A typical DBR session involves opening up the memory networks stored in the deep structures of the brain and then slowly tracking physiological sensations and movements as they come to a place of natural resolution.
You can learn more about Deep Brain Reorienting here.